
I always thought of blogs as being narcissistic, business related, or as my sister's, a way of keeping in touch or memorializing.

But, by necessity, I am learning a lot about myself. I find I need to get my thoughts out, and it helps me to know that someone else will read them. So I have created this little space for myself, to express the things I have trouble saying (be it emotional or physical trouble), to share what I'm going through, and what I'm learning through it.

I absolutely welcome comments. It's nice to know how people relate to what I'm saying.
To send me a private message, please e-mail me: flylittlewordsfly@gmail.com
Subscription links are at the bottom of the page

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Up up up down

So as you may have noticed, I've had a period of relatively high energy and low symptoms. And now it's over.

Since January, I enjoyed a bit of a change, where I was able to get out of the house a little bit more, be at peace in my mind, and just generally emerge from my cocooned state a little bit. There are, however, common pitfalls in that state, and I'm afraid I fell into a couple. I am now in the process of forgiving myself for that, and of changing the habits of mind that led me there.

So what happened, you ask? Simple. I fell into old habits. I am used to doing and approaching things in certain ways (head on, full force and in totality). In the last two years, I've learned how expensive that is to my physical well-being. I learned how to pull back, and slow down. I learned to say no, and to do things a little bit at a time. It was hard, and at the same time, I had direct and clear reinforcement - periods of extreme compensation, where my body would remind me of these lessons.